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How to Use Comparing Yourself to Your Advantage As a Writer
The upside to comparing your work
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”― Ernest Hemingway
In July 2016, after 3 years of ‘work’ I graduated from University. There’s nothing like graduating from University to induce uncomfortable levels of comparison.
“What jobs have you applied for?”
“How many interviews did you get?”
This had become the numbing conversation of my third year. Now, 80 or so people, with the exact same qualifications as me, were about to be released upon the world. This is where the comparison game began.
The race had already begun
We are often told to not compare ourselves, and that using other people to help make judgements or decisions is a bad thing.
“Stay in your lane. Comparison kills creativity and joy.” Brene Brown
And that advice is everywhere. Teachers, writers, guidance counsellors will tell you to not compare, to only focus on yourself. Simultaneously though, you are told that imitation is the best form of flattery. That all…