Member-only story
For what?
I’m at war with my ambitions.
I want to be everything, live this huge, adventous, intense and achievement-fueled life. Some days I want to make millions and start a business that I can grow to unbelievable heights. I want all that comes with it. The late nights, the colossal effort, the takeover of mind, and the dedication.
Some days, I convince myself that it’s exactly what I want. To go all in to do big things to take fate into my own hands and life this huge, ambitious life.
And then most days, I question it all. I ask why. For what? The story of the fisherman floods my mind. You know the one…
The one where the colleague graduate goes to a little fishing town. He meets a man who fishes and seems to be doing well from his catch. He works a few hours each day. He fishes in the morning, takes long naps in the afternoon, enjoys time with his wife, and lives his life. The young graduate gets talking to the fisherman. He tells him if he just works longer hours, he could increase his catch. He could buy a bigger boat, and catch more fish. Until he has many boats, he’s working all hours, has staff, and builds an empire.
For what? He asks.
The graduate student puzzled says ‘So you can sell it and then when you retire, spend a few hours fishing, taking long naps, and spending the afternoon with your wife’.